Compagny name : SAS Materne Haegelin et filles

Legal form : Société par action simplifiée

Head office : 45 Grand'rue 68500 Orschwihr

E-mail :

SIRET : 33802787300011

VAT number : 41338027873 

Web hosting service: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 ROUBAIX – 09 72 10 72 10

Construction of the website : S2i Evolution

Director of publication : Elise Garnier

Informations sur le règlement en ligne des litiges conformément à l'art. 14 paragr. 1 du RLL (Règlement en Ligne des Litiges) : 

The European Commission allows consumers to resolve disputes online on one of its platforms, in accordance with Art. 14 para. 1 of the RLL. The platform ( acts as a site where consumers can try to settle out-of-court disputes arising from the purchase of goods or services online.